Real Estate



ADR's property unit is responsible, among other things, for the allocation of spaces for subcontracted services, as listed below (existing or to be built), intended to meet the airport operators’ needs (parties responsible for providing the services referred to in Annex "A" of Legislative Decree 18/99), air navigation companies, service companies directly connected to aeronautical activities and and non-aeronautical, which offer services to passengers or to the airport community at Fiumicino and Ciampino airports according to actual availability.
The intended uses relating to the spaces and / or areas under sub-concession are attributable to use as follows:
  • offices 
  • accommodation 
  • lounges
  • logistics
  • hangar
  • workshops, warehouses, laboratories, depots;
  • catering and canteens
  • refuelling stations 
  • Institution whose presence is necessary for the movement of aircraft, passengers, cargo and mail at the two airports.
Real Estate (i) identifies suitable spaces in relation to the specific needs of the operators (ii) in compliance with company policies, activates the relative assignment procedures (iii) signs the Subcontracting Agreements that regulate relations between the Parties (iv) delivers the assets (premises, buildings, areas, etc.) in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Subcontracting Agreement.
Attention to environmental sustainability is an essential driver of both development initiatives, using energy certifications and asset management activities as tools.
There are many opportunities and development initiatives in the start-up phase that will see the creation of new spaces linked mainly to the spheres of management, hospitality and related services. All projects are conceived through the principle of regeneration, limiting land consumption and contributing to the enhancement of the Fiumicino and Ciampino airport systems, in line with the high levels of service already provided and experienced today.
In order to have visibility of the spaces currently available, request information and express their interest, all parties may get in touch with the property unit through: