Travel tips

ADR has 10 useful tips for travellers to better manage their departure.

What is the size allowed for hand baggage?

Hand baggage must not exceed 115 cm overall. Larger luggage is labelled and taken for storage in the hold at the check-in desk. For the weight limits applied to baggage (allowance), you should contact your airline.

Safety regulations: what liquids/fluids is it possible to take on-board? 

European law in force since 2006 limits, but does not prohibit, liquids in hand luggage (perfumes, creams, shaving foam, cosmetics, toothpaste, etc.).
The rules provided for in the EU regulations are mandatory, thus, the security officers are obliged to enforce them to the letter.
We suggest that you bring a resealable transparent plastic bag with you to the airport, in order to avoid delays or hitches. If you do not have a resealable plastic bag, a small number are available at the ADR information desks.
Once you have gone through security, the purchase of liquids is not subject to any restrictions: in fact, the shops at the airport provide sealed bags to carry liquids in until boarding.

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