Travel Journal


The art of traveling light: some essential tips

When it comes to packing efficiently for a trip, whether it be for work or leisure, less is definitely, more. No one wants to be lugging around unnecessary items or those all too familiar ‘just in case’ items that you know, won’t be used. Let us take you through some essential tips for optimized and well-organized packing that will ensure a worry-free travel experience without leaving you short, from what to pack and how to pack. We are here to teach you how to travel with one bag for stress-free travel. 


What do I actually need to take with me?


We’ve been there. ‘What if it rains?’ ‘What if it’s hot?’ ‘What if I need those extra outfits just in case?’ This is a sure recipe for an overpacking situation to occur but worry not for we have a strategy to keep you on the straight and narrow. Firstly, make a list  that could be divided as follows: 

  • Clothing: Interchangeable items and neutral colours that will suit whatever you are doing on your trip. Take quick drying and light layers, clothing that can be adapted to various weather conditions and events. Think about taking a weeks’ worth of clothing as if you are going away for longer then you will most probably have the opportunity to visit a launderette. 

  • Electronics: Unless you will be working while on your travels you could think about leaving the laptop at home. Everything you need is on your phone, and this will reduce the need for all those cables, taking up valuable space and weight in your bag. If taking a laptop is unavoidable for you then try to pack them in the bag in a single layer and minimize any extras. 

  • Toiletries: keep it simple and to must needs only, whatever that may mean for you personally. Think toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo and gel bar, razor, moisturizer. Remember that if you are trying to keep your luggage to only hand luggage, then you cannot bring liquids of more than 100ml per item. Multi-purpose soap bars are an excellent choice when trying to reduce space as well as the amount of liquids you are taking on board. They also reduce plastic use so it’s a win win! You could also pack a light weight- micro fiber towel that takes up little space in your bag and are fast drying. In any case, always check the conditions of carriage of the liquids provided by your airport of departure.   

  •  Documents: Of course do not forget your documentation and any essential paperwork you may need for your travels, keep these organized and safe in a separate folder or compartment within your bag and with easy access.  Travelling light: how to pack a backpack for travel? 

Travelling light: how to pack a backpack for travel? 

Once you have made your list of essential items, it’s time to learn how to pack cabin luggage. It’s always a good idea to check the luggage restrictions of your airline before packing to make sure your bag won’t be overweight or the wrong shape when getting on your flight. Here are some handy tips on how to arrange clothes in luggage: 

-Use packing cubes, these little wonders usually come in an array of sizes, fill each one with different sets of items, one for socks, one for t-shirts etc. This way you keep everything nicely organised, and you’ll know where everything is easily. 

-Roll your clothes: this will not only let you cram things in to every corner it’s also a great way of preventing creasing. 

-Fill your shoes, think of all that space inside your shoe? Don’t waste it and fill it up with smaller items to save space.   

How to choose the right luggage:

Now that you are equipped with what to pack and how to pack it, let’s look at how to choose the best luggage for you. Now choosing the right luggage can be tricky. It’s also down to personal preference, perhaps a small case on wheels is best for you or maybe you are more of a backpack type person. There are many options to choose from. What you need to do is ask yourself some basic questions such as: What kind of weather conditions and terrain will by bag have to endure? Would you like the bag to have an integrated lock?  Do you prefer a case on wheels? 

While at Rome Fiumicino airport you’ll have the opportunity to peruse some high quality and stylish state of the art luggage options while you wait for your flight. You may just feel inspired to upgrade you packing game. For superior quality and generations of craftsmanship you can try The Bridge and pick up a unique piece of luggage that suits your needs and to be part of your travel journey. You could decide to take home some Italian leather from Piquadro, which you can visit in both in Boarding area A or Boarding E, who offer tradition and innovation with their high tech packing solutions. 

Knowing how to pack efficiently will ensure that travelling becomes a breeze.  Follow these tips and become an expert in how to travel light. 


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