Travel Journal


Long flight: tips for physical & mental well-being

These days, long haul travel is increasingly common; whether it be for work or leisure, it’s something most of us do at some point in our lives. However, long haul flights really can drain the life out of us and wreak havoc on our health and mental well-being. Cabin pressure means that our blood oxidation levels are reduced, causing sleepiness and headaches; the recycled air on aircrafts can cause dehydration; the food choices we tend to make while travelling and not to mention our circadian rhythm being off kilter can all contribute to us feeling lousy at the end of our flight. In this comprehensive article we will lay out a series of things to do on a long flight to maintain good well-being and health while you fly, so you can reach your destination energised and ready to enjoy.


Tips for staying healthy during a long haul flight

Now we have all been there, tempted by the smell of fast food while we are at the airport and using the fact that we are travelling as an excuse to eat badly and not drink enough water. It’s important to eat a nutritious meal and try to stick to healthy snacks while you are at the airport to prepare you for the long flight ahead.  

Prepare your immune system

Airplanes can be full of germs and it’s not uncommon to pick up a bug or a cold after a long flight, so it’s important to be in tip top condition before you fly, and this can start in the days leading up to your flight. Make sure you are eating healthy and nutritional meals as well as drinking plenty of water before your flight.

Stay Hydrated

Due to the air in the cabin being so dry it is especially easy to become dehydrated. This dehydration also makes us more susceptible to viruses and germs as our mucous membranes dry out. This is why it is essential to drink as much water as possible. Think a bottle of water every hour of the flight and try to avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages.

Eat fresh food

Your digestive system slows down while you fly, and the altitude can expand the gases in your abdomen, making it important to consider your food choices on the plane. Stick to light foods and if you can, pack some healthy snacks such as dried fruit and nuts to keep you going. Avoid excessively sugary foods that will leave you bloated and uncomfortable for the flight.

Move your body

Prolonged immobility during the flight can increase your risks of getting deep vein thrombosis, as blood pools in the lower extremities. In addition to walking up and down the aisle when it is safe to do so, you can also flex your calves and move your ankles; this will be enough to get the circulation going and avoid any problems. Remember to stretch those muscles!

Long distance flight tips for mental well-being

Long queues, cramped spaces and interrupted sleep can make travelling a stressful and tiring experience, but there are some things to do in a long flight that could greatly reduce stress and even make flying a relaxing event.

Breathe and practise mindfulness

As you settle into your seat, take a few deep breaths. This will not only help to make you feel more relaxed if you are experincing any anxiety about flying, but it will also help your body adjust to the change in altitude.

You could use the hours ahead as an opportunity to practise mindfulness and breathing exercises. There are many great apps and guided meditations available, so get your headphones in and enjoy. You could also catch up on those podcasts you have saved or listen to some relaxing music.

Sleep and circadian rhythm

One of the main issues we have on a long flight is our sleep pattern being disrupted and experiencing jet lag. Set your watch to the time zone you are travelling to and try to only sleep during the sleep time of that time zone; this will ensure minimal disruption to your sleep schedule. We know it’s not always easy to fall asleep on a cramped airplane, but things like earplugs and a good sleep mask could help. If you have the option to sleep near the window, you will be able to rest your head more comfortably and be able to control the light coming in through the blind. Dress comfortably to ensure that your travel attire is nice and loose so you can fall asleep easier.

Things to do on a long flight: other small tricks

One last piece of advice for long haul flights is to bring a toothbrush and some toothpaste: if you have managed to get some rest, it will help you wake up and feel fresh if you can nip to the toilets, brush your teeth, and wash your face.

Whether you are a frequent long haul flyer or an occasional traveller, these tips for long flights could help you have a more relaxing and healthier flight and reduce recovery time after your flight, allowing you to better enjoy your destination. Follow our advice for long haul flights and reap the benefits once you arrive at your destination.


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