14 August 2020
Drive-in swabs
The Lazio Region Covid-19 crisis unit hereby informs you that, as of today, drive-in centres are now in operation for performing swabs on passengers arriving from Croatia, Greece, Malta and Spain, as required by the order of the Ministry of Health dated 12 August 2020.

The procedure requires passengers to report their arrival on the Lazio Region freephone number (800.118.800) or via the ‘Lazio Doctor Covid‘ app and to go to the drive-in centre with their health card, travel document and, preferably, medical prescription. The drive-in centres are open every day from 09:00 to 18:00, except on Sundays (the San Giovanni drive-in is also open on Sundays). The test is free.

Below is a list of all operational drive-in centres:(

ASL RM1: Casa della Salute XV municipio - via S. Daniele del Friuli  8 – Rome (Please note: from 20/07/020 to 31/08/2020, the opening times will be Mon-Sat from 08:30 to 12:30); AO San Giovanni Addolorata - via S. Stefano Rotondo 5 – Rome;

ASL RM2: Casa della Salute XV municipio - via S. Daniele del Friuli 8 – Rome; Via Nicolò Forteguerri - Casa della Salute Santa Caterina della Rosa – Rome;

ASL RM3: Via Casal Bernocchi - Sede Direzione ASL; Ex Presidio Forlanini - Piazza Carlo Forlanini – Rome;

ASL RM4: Ospedale San Paolo di Civitavecchia - Largo Donatori del Sangue 1; Ospedale Padre Pio - Via s. Lucia – Bracciano;

ASL RM5: Piazza Salvo D'Aquisto - Palombara Sabina/Casa della Salute; Via degli Esplosivi – Colleferro;

ASL RM6: Please note: As of Monday 3 August, the service shall be transferred to the premises of the former Emergency Department, of the former "E. De Sanctis" Hospital, Genzano, located at Via Achille Grandi, snc. - opening times Mon-Fri from 10:00 to 18:00, Saturday from 10:00 to 14:00;

FROSINONE: Ospedale Santa Scolastica - via San Pasquale – Cassino; Ospedale Fabrizio Spaziani - Via Armando Fabi, 67 – Frosinone;

LATINA: Ospedale S. M. Goretti - Latina - Piazzale antistante; Piazza Monsignor Di Liegro – Gaeta;

RIETI: Piazzale Istituto D'Arte – Rieti;

VITERBO:  Ospedale Belcolle - Strada Sammartinese- Viterbo;